Good Summers Make Great Falls
Summer is in full force. Camps are going strong, days at the lake are relaxing, trips to the beach with friends and just around the corner for returning upperclassmen is

A Call to Reach the Nations
I firmly believe God uses BCM ministries to raise up and call out students to a variety of ministry callings. Below, I’ve asked Kayla to share just how that began

Calling out the Called
“It is urgent that denominations, networks and independent churches determine how to best motivate, mobilize, resource and deploy more young pastors,” said David Kinnaman, President of Barna Research, after a

Help Others See God
We live in a world where pain and loneliness lurk around every corner. Almost daily, I talk to people who long for hope and help. Life can be hard even

How Baptist Collegiate Ministry Works
I will never forget September of 2005. Hurricane Katrina had just wreaked havoc on the Gulf Coast. A few weeks later, during fall break, I joined a mission team to

BCM Students Mobilized to Share the Gospel
In partnership with IMB missionaries and Pastor Nelson of Soma Community Church, the Pine Bluff Baptist Collegiate Ministry equipped and mobilized three recent graduates to go to Sao Paulo, Brazil