In college there are a thousand different endeavors, organizations and causes screaming in your ear to heed their warning, join their cause or play a part in their task and I am certain some of them are very positive and will impact the world in some way but is that where God is leading you? Is that where God would have you to go? Did God already have a cause for us as Christians to champion, to join, to accomplish? Yes. That is the short answer at least. If we wanted to be cliché and act like we had it all figured out we would quote the Great Commission and maybe Acts 1 as well. But if you stopped there or only saw God’s eternal purpose in the New Testament then you would have missed the other 64 books of the Bible leading the in same direction.

So what are we, as God’s children to do with this news that we know of God’s redemption? Take it to the world! Even the remotest part! That is where Nehemiah Teams comes in. Their objective is not to go to the places where people have someone to tell them of Jesus but as Paul says, to preach Christ where He is not known. The Joshua Project states that nearly 42% of the world’s population is categorized as unreached, which makes up 2.88 Billion people who do not know that God sent His Son Jesus Christ that we might have eternal life. 2.88 Billion people that unless someone goes to them and tells them who Jesus is and what He has done for them they will go to hell.

Why serve on a Nehemiah Team?

  1. Because World Evangelism was the Purpose from the Start (Genesis 12:1-3)

If you understand God’s eternal purpose; that all people of the earth would know Him and be blessed through His people with the gospel, then you will handle your summer plans with open hands and allow God to direct you toward His heart for the nations.

  1. The Lord is God and There is No One Else (1 Kings 8:59-61)

If you acknowledge the reality that there is a literal Hell and people who do not know Christ have made a decision to enter said place; then you will handle your summer plans with open hands and allow God to direct you toward His heart for the nations.

  1. Because All Nations will be Represented in Heaven (Revelation 7:9-10)

If you realize that God tells us exactly who will be represented in the culmination of the earth in every nation, tribe, people and tongue; then you will handle your summer with open hands and allow God to direct you toward His heart for the nations.

  1. Because You know that Praying for the Evangelism of ‘all the nations’ is just the Beginning (Mark 11:17)

If you are praying, as Jesus rebukes those in the temple to do, for all the nations then God willdirect you to handle your summer plans with open hands and you will be directed toward His heart for the nations.

  1. Finally, why serve on a Nehemiah Team…Because, how then will they know? (Romans 10:14-15)

If you do not go, and you handle your plans for the summer with closed hands and do not allow God to direct you to His heart that all the nations, tribes, people and tongues would name Christ as Lord and Savior….who will?

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