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The man who wrote two online articles– “I Want to be a Zombie Ant” and “A Ray of Light: The Timeless Life of a Photon”– is also a former pastor who has been in the ministry for over 15 years. Chad Meeks links two words some might label an oxymoron: faith and science.

“The sciences and faith are completely compatible,” Chad, who graduates with a PhD in Christian Philosophy at Southwestern Seminary this May, said. “There are answers which a biblical viewpoint gives that science cannot.” The non-believing scientist looks for a physical cause, but a Christian who is also a scientist looks at the world as God’s creation and it “pushes us to God and it reflects God.”

He’ll get the opportunity to explain how he links faith and science and to speak on apologetics while a Lead/Defend session leader at Geyer Springs in Little Rock, Feb. 26/27. As someone who has been an apologetics professor at the college level, he’s looking forward to the opportunity.

Entitling his session “Engaging the Skeptical Culture,” Chad plans to define three prevalent and opposing views to Christian faith:  Naturalism (including Atheism), Scientism and Post-Modernity.

But he doesn’t just want to give students a dry definition, he said. Instead, he’ll highlight practical ways to engage the culture backing it up by scripture and easy-to-follow, proven methods, particularly hitting the apologetic approaches of C.S. Lewis and Francis Schaeffer.

Finally, he wants to remind those who discuss faith with skeptics to stay humble and non-combative. Christians should see those who oppose them “as individuals who are lost, created in the image of God with the capacity to know the Gospel–that Jesus died for them.”

“Start at their level and work up,” he said. And, he cautions, stay clear of issues that sidetrack.

“Clearly, we’re living in an increasingly skeptical culture,” Chad said. “I want to talk about how we can engage these ideas to encourage dialog and communicate the Gospel. It’s relevant (to the students) because we will be discussing ideologies they will be confronted with daily.”

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