The Gateway: Central Asia

Start time 2022-06-06
Finished Time 2022-06-20

Dates: June 6-20

For security purposes the specific country for this trip is not listed publicly.  With nearly 70 million people and an estimated 5000-7000 national believers, this people group is one of the largest unreached people groups in the world. We see this country as a gateway country into the Middle East and Muslim world.

This is a prime time to send college students and young professionals as nearly 75% of this countries population is under the age of 35. There is an openness to Western culture in this younger population which means they are open to both the Gospel and to the negative aspects of our culture. There is a cultural war brewing in this nation with a limited window of time for us to act.

  • Participate in a “cultural exchange” hosted by long-term missionaries so they can follow-up with those relationships
  • Teach English at a school while building relationships from which to share the Gospel
  • Prayer walk around cities and in mosque throughout the country
  • Serve the indigenous church in any way we can

You will also get to see many Christian historical sites as much of the New Testament stories took place in this nation.

Cost: $2600 (all-inclusive.. all transportation, lodging and meals included)